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NfS: Underground

  11:14aktualizováno  11:20
Sada obrázků z dalšího dílu v oblíbené sérii arkádových závodů od společnosti EA
Need for Speed Underground je nepřímé pokračování oblíbené série arkádových závodů, které pro společnost EA vyvíjí tým EA Black Box. NFS Underground hráčům nabídne zase o něco jiný koncept a hratelnost než například NFS: Hot Pursuit 2. Za vyhrané závody hráč obdrží určitou sumu, kterou bude různě investovat do nového vybavení, do jiného vzhledu auta atd. Příležitostí jak si vydělat peníze bude dost. Tvůrci uvádějí více než 100 závodů včetně několika ne zcela obvyklých jako je Drag Racing a Street Racing. Hra nabídne 20 plně upravovatelný licencovaných vozů slavných značek včetně Mitsubishi, Subaru, Toyoty a dalších. K dispozici bude také řada tuningových součástí od slavných firem jako je Audiobahn, Bilstein, Eibach, Enkei a další. NFS Undergrnound by měl být hotov na začátku roku 2004.

NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NfS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground NFS: Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground

Témata: Need for Speed
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