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Pirates of the Burning Sea

  1:20aktualizováno  1:20
Sada screenshotů z připravované námořnické MMORPG od společnosti Flying Lab Software
Pirates of the Burning Sea je MMORPG od společnosti Flying Lab Software, které nabídne několik profesí (námořní kapitán, pirát, obchodník etc.), možnost vlastnit svůj dům i loď a příležitost vytvářet pomocí různých editorů své vlastní předměty, které lze buď ve hře prodat, nebo si jimi upravit vlastní loď. Autoři kladou důraz také na komplexní systém počasí, historickou přesnost a kvalitní grafické zpracování. Hra je postavená na enginu Alchemy od společnosti Intrinsic a pravidelné updaty budou distribuovány skrze nepříliš oblíbený Steam system od Valve. S tím souvisí i záměr autorů, uzpůsobit hru pouze pro majitele broadbandového připojení. Podrobnější informace o hře můžete načerpat na oficiální stránce hry a screeny na vás čekají v této galerii.


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Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea


Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea


Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea


Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea


Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea


Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea

30. 8. 2005

Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea

21. 6. 2005

Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea


Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates Burning SeaPirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of  the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea Pirates of the Burning Sea

Témata: software, Steam, Valve
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