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Pitfall: The Lost Expedition

Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Vladimír Ševeček

23. 9. 2004 20:53

This is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this review
7.3 out of 10
This is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this review
4 out of 5
7.8 out of 10
78.0%" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Site Profile  Electronic Gaming Monthly
5.67 out of 10
4.5 out of 5
90.0%" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Site Profile  XBN Magazine
6 out of 10
60.0%" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Site Profile  Official Xbox Magazine
7.8 out of 10
6 out of 10
This is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this review
6.9 out of 10
This is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this reviewThis is the rating that readers have given to this review
8.7 out of 10

Difficulty: Easy

The puzzles in this game are just too easy.


0 0

Dalibor Franta

17. 3. 2004 14:36
Nostalgie stale zije
Jojo. Ja na pitfallu pomalu vyrustal (pravda byl jsem jeste temer batole:).  O to vic me mrzi tahle slatanina...
0 0

Vladimír Ševeček

17. 3. 2004 21:03
Já Pitfalla 2 považuju za špičku; jednička byla slabá. Sem tam si ho v emulátoru střihnu (ale ne až do konce). Je to hra mého mládí (ročník 74)!
0 0

Vladimír Ševeček

17. 3. 2004 8:21
Nejlepší díl celé série je Pitfall 2 na Atari 800/130 (na C-64 je ožezaný o druhý obrovský level). Za mlada jsem ho nikdy nedohrál a povedlo se mi to až na emulátoru. Jsou to asi 3 roky a zabralo to nějakých 8 hodin v kuse! Za to 3 vteřinové outro to stálo!
0 0
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