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OBRAZEM: Pirátská exkluzivita Sea of Thieves je těžké zklamání

Rozlehlý oceán, hledání pokladů podle mapy, potápění či bitvy na moři. Zní to jako vzrušující zábava? Celkem ano. A exkluzivita Microsoftu Sea of Thieves, která vyjde na PC a Xbox One, přesně tohle nabízí. Problém je v tom, že to není taková zábava, jak to podle prvních videí vypadalo. Ona to vlastně není vůbec zábava.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Tak schválně z oficiálních fór i pohled z druhé strany

A beta should be a god indication of a game. This is just a big NO atm. If Rare manage to turn this around, i would be very supriced .

After a while we gave up, through the boredom of the game, the grouping issues and the fact that there is no in game chat (for the 4th man...some random) we have all decided to pass on buying this game as well. They say there is so much more content in the full release, but I don't believe it. Like what...some kraken and the bounty vendor they pulled from the beta? I had my 'fun' on this one...saving my $80 cdn.

I agree, this is a 20usd game. 60usd? No thanks

Well this beta isn't gonna convince me at all to buy the full game for ¤70

Especially with the whole "We wanna keep things a surprise huehue" thing. #NoMansSky

Nothing has really changed, the game world still feels completely lifeless. There's barely any sounds and the NPCs don't so much as mouth a whisper. I suspect someone at Microsoft knew that this game would be in trouble, hence why they've included it in the game pass thing (just a theory).

Rare is using all of this as an excuse to try to hide the fact that the game has nothing else to show. Hell it's the first time in 20 years of gaming that i see a beta with even less content than an alpha build.

Playd the beta for 1h... and im sick of it. Boooooring.

Agree, 3 of my friends already give up from the game.

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I'v talked to players who have played alpha and so on. And the game files, everything is pointing in the same direction. It wont help if this game world is bigger, 2 more factuions to do repetitive quests for and so on.

Rare is just going to add some reskinned fetch quests and a little bit of ship customization. Do you really think there is much to follow? The lack of content will most likely be the reason for SoT to fail.

I dont have the time to spend 45 minutes fending off/evading a 4 man crew that is intent on ruining my fun. Also, spawn camping on my own ship...not having it. Passing on this game.

I cancelled my preorder for this reason, also that i don't think this game offers anywhere near 60$ value just sailing and digging up chests doesn't do it for me, for 60 bucks i expect a lot more than that including a real progression system.

My friends and I feel the same. The game has so little content that hunting people is the only real thing to do and that gets boring after a few hours (aimlessly looking for other people to sink for no reason).

There is no downside to losing at PvP, while those carrying the chest have the downside of losing their hours worth of work.

I felt like I did the same thing the whole time.

+ smazané diskuze, kde lidé psali, že na základě bety ruší preordery ;-)

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Kdo chce psa bít vždy si nějakou hůl najde. Že?

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